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This election goes beyond saluting one candidate – it’s about Applauding Democracy

I started ApplaudDemocracy.org and JoeGTG.org (more about me here in Wiki) on 6/29/2024 because I had expected President Biden and the Democratic Party to quickly acknowledge after the 6/27/2024 debate how unacceptably diminished an off-teleprompter President Biden was.  But despite this editorial on June 28th in the New York Times, and many other important and well-informed calls for Biden to withdraw, he and the DNC seem only to have become more entrenched, so We the People must speak this truth and ask more loudly and repeatedly.

This strategy has risks, but the experts cited above agree that the senses of honor and of ambition (for both self and country) of our compatriots are likely to produce multiple excellent alternatives preferable to the currently leading candidates.

If those beliefs are also yours, and you are an American citizen and/or resident please sign this letter/petition, asking President Biden and the Democratic Party to identify a candidate who can reliably lead America into a progressive future for the next four+ years.